Monday, November 30, 2009

Weekly Challenge #7 - Try an interval workout!


I'm happy to report that nearly EVERY client who reported their weight to me today LOST WEIGHT last week! I'm so proud of your committment and determination to get healthy and stay healthy.

The challenge for this week is to try an interval work out at least once this week. It's a great way to maximize your fat burn. You can do this on a treadmill, outside, on a eliptical or even a stationary bike.

Here's how :

5 minutes: Walk for 5 minutes at a normal pace to get heart rate up
1 minute:Walk or jog for 1 minute as fast as you can - really push it
1 minute:Walk at a VERY slow pace for 1 minute
1 minute:Push it again for 1 minute - make sure it is fast enough that you wouldn't be able to talk if you tried
1 minute:SLOW DOWN for another minute - barely walking
1 minute:Walk or jog for 1 minute as fast as you can - really push it
1 minute:Walk at a VERY slow pace for 1 minute
1 minute:Push it again for 1 minute - make sure it is fast enough that you wouldn't be able to talk if you tried
1 minute:SLOW DOWN for another minute - barely walking
1 minute:Push it again for 1 minute - make sure it is fast enough that you wouldn't be able to talk if you tried
1 minute:SLOW DOWN for another minute - barely walking
10 minutes:Walk at a steady state at a moderate intensity for another 10 minutes.
5 minutes: Cool down by walking slowly for 5 more minutes This is a 30 minute work out and will burn more calories than if you just walked at a steady state for 30 minutes.

Email or text me after you have completed at least one interval workout this week to qualify for the drawing!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Weekly Challenge #6 - Is Thanksgiving about food or REALLY about being THANKFUL?

Thanksgiving is only just a few days away...are you looking forward to some traditional Thanksgiving food? Maybe even a few little indulgences - candied yams, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, etc. Although I've given most of you the "green light" to eat foods that are normally part of the TAKE SHAPE FOR LIFE program, be sure to keep the extra carbs and calories in moderation.

This challenge for this week is to help you to re frame what THANKSGIVING means to you. Make it more about GRATITUDE and less about the FOOD!

Ask yourself?
Do I really show love to my family by cooking/ baking favorite sugary and fattening foods?
Do I really show gratitude by eating 3,000 + calories at one meal?

To complete this challenge, please take a minute and write a short letter to yourself to remind you why you are THANKFUL for this new lifestyle you've chosen. Send me an email or post a comment after you've written your letter.

Here are some additional tips and strategies to help you stack on track this week:
  1. Plan to enjoy the traditional Thanksgiving meal in moderation. Try to keep your meal as "lean and green" as much as possible. Fill up your plate with veggies and turkey and just have small spoonfuls of the potatoes, yams or other carbs you may want to eat.
  2. Remember it's THANKSGIVING DAY... not THANKSGIVING WEEKEND! If you eat extra calories and carbs on one day, you will be able to recover and get back in to fat burn mode more quickly than if you take 4 days off the program.
  3. If the dinner is being held at your home, send all the leftovers home with your family. You don't need the temptation on Friday, Saturday, etc.
  4. Make sure you get in at least 3 workouts in this week to help you burn the extra calories.
  5. Keep a journal. Write down everything you eat on Thanksgiving day. This is great way to be accountable to yourself!
I am truly THANKFUL for the opportunity I have to share this program with you and coach you along your journey! I believe in you!


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Weekly Challenge #4 - Spice it up!!!

Ready to spice it up????

The challenge for this week is to try something new! Maybe you want to try an Italian seasoning in your chicken noodle soup or a Torani sugar free syrup with your shake, cappuccino or hot chocolate. There are lots of no-carb options that can add a little spice to your life.

Simply post a comment or email me what you tried .. and you'll be qualified as participating in this week's challenge.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Weekly Challenge #3- Holiday Commitments

This week's challenge is pretty simple... c'mon guys... you can do it!

  1. Read the blog post below about tips and strategies to help you through the holidays.
  2. After reading Tip #5, post a comment to this post or send me an email listing the three reasons why being healthy is personally important to you.
  3. Post those reasons in a visible location to remind yourself on a daily basis!

P.S. Thank you so those of you who have participated in the weekly challenges... it's not too late... I've changed the rules a bit. As long as you participate in at least 5 of the 10 challenges, I will enter your name into the contest. Wooohoooo!!!!! How much easier can this be? Seriously!!!!


With Halloween behind us, Thanksgiving just around the corner and Christmas less than two months away, it is a great time to remind yourself about what your goals are and how you can fit your new lifestyle into the events of the coming months.

With the extra goodies that may lurking in your home or office, here are 5 tips and strategies to help you stay on track this holiday season...

  1. Remember FOOD IS YOUR FUEL... that's it. Food is not your entertainment, your best friend or your comfort. Give your BODY what it NEEDS.. not what your MOUTH may WANT.
  2. If you are invited to a party or event, be sure to eat BEFORE the party and drink lots of water. You don't want to head into a tempting situation with an empty stomach. Ideally, you should ask the hostess what types of refreshments will be served so you can plan ahead. If that is not a possibility, than choose veggies and protein. It's better to have a few extra calories that are "lean and green" than to have extra carbs.
  3. Schedule at least 2 days this holiday season to eat "normal". If you PLAN ahead instead of IMPULSIVELY going off the program, it will likely make a difference in your ability get back on the program the next day and keep you from taking an entire weekend off the program. Also, keep a detailed journal on these days to help you be accountable for what you are eating.
  4. Sometimes when we are in a group setting and choose not to eat the sweets, others may try to sabotage us. People might say... "One little bite won't matter!" or "Are you dieting again?" You can always use my favorite line... "I'm sorry, I'm allergic to sugar. It makes my behind swell." That usually lightens the mood and people tend to back off! : )
  5. Make a list of 3 reasons why you are COMMITTED to a healthy lifestyle. What are the benefits for you personally to lose weight and keep it off? Keep that list in a vi sable spot .. in your car on the dashboard, on your bathroom mirror, or on your fridge!

I believe that the more you tell yourself that you CAN do something, you will empower yourself to actually do it. Remember I'm here to help you along your journey! You can do this!
