Monday, May 10, 2010

What Defines You?

So many times we put unrealistic expectations upon ourselves and set ourselves up for failure. A healthy lifestyle is so much more than a set of rules. It's about DEFINING WHO YOU ARE.

Saying things like, "I will never eat sugar again," "No eating after 7 PM," or "I am going to work out daily, starting Monday," the focus is on what you want/need to change. Contrast that with, "I am someone who takes care of my body," "I am someone who associates with healthy people," "My day orients around my well-being and exercise," "I have better things to do than eat junk food," "I need my energy to accomplish my goals." See the difference? The second set of statements focuses on WHO YOU ARE and what you want in your life, not just the change you want to make. This shift is more than just paying lip service to the first set of statements. It calls for action to show your commitment. When you shift who you are, things naturally look different, and the results are obvious.

This focus has made a HUGE difference for me this past year as I have become a "runner". I tell myself OFTEN, "I'm a runner." When it's 4:45 am and I don't want to get out of bed, or when it is raining and cold outside, I tell myself "I'm a runner... and this is what runners do."

Take a minute and make a short list of the things that DEFINE YOU!